Morgantown Learning Academy is an incorporated, non-church affiliated, non-profit private school. The school was established in 1963 and has expanded to include preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1 - 8. The purpose of Morgantown Learning Academy is to provide an alternative education of the highest quality for children of all racial, cultural, religious, and economic backgrounds. The MLA educational program is based on a child-centered philosophy that is committed to teaching children in the ways they learn best.
It is with special care and consideration that we choose our faculty and administration. The unique blend of personalities and professional strengths found in this outstanding group of individuals helps Morgantown Learning Academy offer its students a diverse and personalized education. MLA has set strict guidelines and high expectations for its faculty and administration. Not only must they be certified in the content area that they teach or administer, but they must also be actively involved in personal continuing education goals. The MLA faculty and administration not only meet these guidelines but also enthusiastically search for ways in which to become better teachers and administrators for your children.
Morgantown Learning Academy creates a unique learning environment in which students are encouraged to be initiators, to question, explore, create, share, and experience the excitement of learning. Our teachers are committed to enhancing the growth and development of children through structuring a classroom that allows the students to explore and learn. We welcome and encourage the involvement of our children, parents, and faculty, and the ideas and energy they bring to the challenge of realizing the special vision of education we share for our children. Read more about the MLA Philosophy here.
From time-to-time, members of the MLA staff offer considered responses to educational issues of current interest. Our question and answer page is presented as a summary of the current thinking that underpins the existence and function of the school.
Thank you for visiting our website and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Our Philosophy
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Our History
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